New release: ONE (Sydney Jones Series #3)

Quote of the Day: “It’s the possibility of having a dream come true that makes life interesting.”

Paulo Coelho

ONE (Sydney Jones Series #3)

Exciting news! The latest Sydney Jones Mystery, ONE, eBook is now available for preorder at Amazon. ONE will be available for download on 7/28/2020. The paperback will be released on August 4th, 2020.

ONE Blurb/Description

Expect to be blown away by Carolyn Bowen’s newest thriller in the Sydney Jones Series — ONE.

Ace attorney Sydney returns in this gripping thriller that sends her into a chilling tailspin when enemies attack with vengeance. Will her desire for answers about her ex-military former lover be her undoing or will the hand of fate set her free to live and love again?

Book Description.

Sydney’s daredevil attitude for taking on legal cases most would run from catches her in a snare. Will she use common sense and leave the past behind or is it too late?

Walker the father of her son is dead. She had suspicions about his abandonment after the Rockstar Roxanne’s murder investigation was announced a suicide. Could his death be related to what she believed to be the CIA’s intervention?

A summer vacation with her son in Barbados was warranted. Enemies from her past were already scouting out the island for their next move. Was there no place she could have peace?

She makes new friends on the island. Godwin appears in Sydney’s life after booking a charter for her son’s first salt-water fishing trip. She has no idea how deep the friendship goes between the two, but her son appeared happier since arriving.

Reality sets in upon returning home to Atlanta. She’d made many enemies from her personal injury and human trafficking cases. Would her first day back at work be the day the assassin’s bullet hit its mark?

Her friend and confidant, Director Thomason of the GBI insisted she has a worst-case scenario plan for her son’s care. Would the plan be carried out in her absence? And, would her son inherit a perpetual target on his back? There were no options for protecting David, except the truth which could be as catastrophic as the world news.

This spellbinding new novel by the imaginative Carolyn Bowen will hold you in suspense until you turn the final page. Tap the link to “buy now” and dive deep into the electrifying action of this novel.

ATTN: Book bloggers, Amazon & Goodreads Reviewers

If you’re interested in reviewing ONE, Sydney Jones Series #3, please fill in the contact form here. An ARC will be emailed to you for your reading pleasure. Thank you! Carolyn Bowen
